Kerri Turner is the author of The Daughter of Victory Lights and The Last Days of the Romanov Dancers, and a guest in my February Newsletter.
Which jelly bean do you eat first, and which one do you leave til last?
Red first, black last (or not at all!).
Favourite line from one of your novels?
"Do you think it's possible to have been lonely your whole life, only not know it?" - The Last Days of the Romanov Dancers
Did you do anything special with your advance?
I bought myself a good ergonomic chair to sit in while writing future books. The rest of the advance helped fund a trip to Russia, which enabled me to complete and enhance my research for The Last Days of the Romanov Dancers, which was set in St Petersburg/Petrograd.
You’re snowed in on the side of the Swiss Alps with access to only one novel and one electronic device. Which do you choose?
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, because it being my only book would mean that I'd finally read the entire thing. And my laptop so I could keep writing.
Which fictional hero would like to be swept off your feet by?
Freddy Standen from Georgette Heyer's Cotillion. He's not your typical romantic hero, but by the end of the book I was definitely more than a little in love with him!
Favourite book so far for 2020?
I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of Gulliver's Wife by Lauren Chater, which is coming out in April. I think it's going to be a big hit with readers.
Podcast recommendation?
There are a lot of fantastic writing and book-related podcasts, but when I want to unwind and relax it's Deck the Hallmark I listen to - a trio of men who watch, recap, and review Hallmark's Christmas romance movies. I'm a total sucker for those movies, so it's really fun to listen to their perspectives and discussion.
Best one-line sentence from one of your book reviews?
'My heart was captured by every page and I couldn't sleep until I had finished.' From Aleisha in QLD on the Better Reading website in a review for The Daughter of Victory Lights.

PART CABARET, PART BURLESQUE, AND LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE! GENTLEMEN, AND LADIES IF YOU'VE DARED TO COME, WELCOME TO ...' There was a pause, and Evelyn sensed those around her leaning forward in anticipation. 'THE VICTORY!' 1945: After the thrill and danger of volunteering in an all-female searchlight regiment protecting Londoners from German bombers overhead, Evelyn Bell is secretly dismayed to be sent back her rigid domestic life when the war is over. But then she comes across a secret night-time show, hidden from the law on a boat in the middle of the Thames. Entranced by the risque and lively performance, she grabs the opportunity to join the misfit crew and escape her dreary future. At first the Victory travels from port to port to raucous applause, but as the shows get bigger and bigger, so too does the risks the performers are driven to take, as well as the growing emotional complications among the crew. Until one desperate night ... 1963: Lucy, an unloved and unwanted little girl, is rescued by a mysterious stranger who says he knows her mother. On the Isle of Wight, Lucy is welcomed into an eclectic family of ex-performers. She is showered with kindness and love, but gradually it becomes clear that there are secrets they refuse to share. Who is Evelyn Bell?
Twitter: @KerriNTurner Instagram: kerriturner_author Facebook: @kerriturnerauthor Website: kerriturner.com